Nexus Alliance specializes in providing SAP-based solutions, including Computerized Maintenance Management Services (CMMS), Corrosion Management Systems (CMS), and Engineering Data Warehouse (EDW) services for both Greenfield and Brownfield projects. Our offerings are designed to enhance the management of assets and maintenance operations, ensuring the optimization of preventive maintenance and efficient spare parts management.
Nexus has been providing CMMS (SAP-based), CMS and EDW for Shell Green and Brownfield projects.
Our deliverables under this service include:
– Physical Asset Verifications, development of Asset Register/facility data for loading into SAP.
– Identification of Safety Critical Elements (SCE).
– RBI studies, Maintenance Operations Strategies, and Maintenance Matrix development for Preventive Maintenance (PM) Jobs.
– Identification of critical spares, and development of Spare Parts Management Systems indicating required spares, quantity available and cost.
Project References:
– CMMS Implementation for SPDC’s Compression Stations at Afiesere, Uzere, Oweh, Kokori and Olomoro.
– CMMS Implementation for SPDC’s Batan Flow and Booster Station.
– PACER CM Implementation for SPDC’s Santa Barbara NAG Re-entry Project.
– CMMS/PACER CM/EDW implementation for SPDC UUED DOMGAS project.
– CMMS/PACER CM/EDW Implementation for SPDC AGBADA NAG Plant.
– CMMS/PACER CM Implementation for SPDC UGHELLI EAST GAS Plant.